Welcome to McLean Youth Track & Field
McLean Youth Track and Field (MYTF) provides opportunities for kids in 1st through 8th Grade to develop skills in track, field and cross-country events. Our goal is to help kids develop an appreciation for the sport, gain respect for sportsmanship and have opportunities to push themselves at their own pace. We focus on "in-house/intra-team" events and encourage all of our athletes to strive for personal improvement.
MYTF is a diverse, inclusive program for all children, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, gender identification, ability (mental or physical), religion, national origin, financial circumstance, or sexual orientation. MYTF athletes compete according to the gender which with they identify, may use physical adaptive equipment not otherwise prohibited by the facility, and may wear (properly secured) garments consistent with their religious observances. We welcome ALL children and their families, and we cheer for everyone!
General Information
Spring 2025 registration is closed. Please check back in the Spring for information on our Fall Registration
Refund requests for the Spring 2025 season MUST be made prior to February 28th by sending an email to mcleanyouthtrack@gmail.com. A $10 processing fee will be deducted from all refunds. You may withdraw your child(ren) from MYTF at any point during the season, but registration fees less the processing fee will only be refunded through February 28th.
Any questions, please email mcleanyouthtrack@gmail.com.