Serving McLean VA Youth Since 1954

Volunteer Roles

Volunteer Roles

McLean Youth (MYA) Volleyball depends on multiple volunteers to run each volleyball season.


  • Head Coach / Co-Coach - Volunteer coaches are needed to manage youth teams in all leagues. The number of Head Coaches and Co-Coaching teams are a main factor in how many interested youth athletes can play each season. Head/Co-Coaches can either be adults or high school students. The commitment is a minimum of 3 hours per week: 1.5 hr practice plus 1 hr match. Responsibilities include communicating directly with players, families and league officials, establishing practice plans, and managing the team during practices and matches. Prior coaching and volleyball playing experience are a plus, but not required or adults.  High school Head/Co-Coaching teams must have at least 2 years of volleyball playing experience and be a Sophomore, Junior or Senior. Training, mentoring and supporting materials are provided. Children of adult Head/Co-Coaches play for free. High school student Head/Co-Coaches can play in any MYA Volleyball league for free -- community service credits are available. If interested, fill out the appropriate coach registration form on the Registration page. As per MYA policy, a background check is required for adult coaches. To comply with Fairfax County gym use policies, all coaches must also certify as a Volunteer Building Director (takes only 15-20 minutes)
  • Assistant Coach - In addition to Head/Co-Coaches, Assistant Coaches are another important factor in providing teams for all registered players. The target is to have at least 2 coaches on each team.  Although not responsible for directly managing the team, Assistant Coaches provide support during practices and matches, and fill in for Head/Co-Coaches if needed. Assistant Coaches can either be adults or students.  Adult head coaches are always assigned to the same team as their child(ren). Student Assistant Coaches can either be from high school (with any experienced) or middle school (with club experience). Training, mentoring and supporting materials are provided. Children of adult Assistant Coaches receive a 50% discount. High school student Assistant Coaches can play in any MYA Volleyball league for free -- community service credits are available. If interested, fill out the appropriate coach registration form on the Registration page. As per MYA policy, a background check is required for adult coaches. To comply with Fairfax County gym use policies, all coaches must also certify as a Volunteer Building Director (takes only 15-20 minutes)

League Officials

  • Age-Group Coordinator (AGC) - The target is one Age-Group Coordinator (AGCs) for each league -- 9 in the girls spring season and 2 in the boys fall season. The commitment is 3 to 5 hours per week during the first half of March and 1 hour per week afterwards.  Responsibilities include setting team rosters, coordinating practice and match schedules, addressing league questions, and communicating league-related information to coaches/players/parents. No prior AGC or volleyball experience required. Training and mentoring are provided.  If interested, please contact  Children of AGCs play for free.
  • Referee Coordinator - The target is one primary Referee Coordinator. The commitment is 1 to 3 hours per week. Responsibilities include interacting with the Head Referee and the referee corp, providing communications and training, establishing the referee schedule, managing schedule changes, and ensuring match results are entered into the website. No prior volleyball experience required. If interested, please contact Children of the Referee Coordinator play for free.
  • Facilities Coordinator - The target is one primary Facilities Coordinator. Responsibilities include receiving FCPS gym closures/change requests and working with coaches to reschedule.If interested, please contact Children of the Facilities Coordinator play for free.
  • Skills Coordinator - The target is one primary skills Coordinator. Responsibilities include organizing and running player skills clinics, providing coaches with training, mentoring and supporting materials, and establishing the volleyball rules followed during the season. This position requires prior volleyball coaching experience and a desire to help improve the skills of players and coaches. If interested, please contact Children of the Skills Coordinator play for free.
  • Apparel Manager - The target is one primary Apparel Coordinator. The commitment could be 3 to 6 hours per week at the beginning of the season and far less at all other times. Responsibilities include identifying league uniforms and designs, ordering apparel from established vendors, and distributing to coaches.  If interested, please contact Children of the Apparel Manager play for free.

Paid Positions

  • Referee - High school students are needed to referee league matches and post game results. Ideal candidates are club or high school volleyball players with a USA Volleyball referee certification. Referees are paid $22 for hour-long matches and $38 for 90-minute matches and referee for 1 to 4 hours on Saturdays during the spring and fall seasons. If interested, fill out the HS Student Referee form on the Registration page.



Contact Us

For general questions or to volunteer for McLean Youth (MYA) Volleyball, please email: